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Example : Medovik Cake Recipe
The Most Crunchy Cappuccino Bun,  a bakery near me

This Recipe Makes 12 buns in a muffin pan


Stiff Sweet Starter (Peaks in 10h at 25C)
  • 30g Starter
  • 120g Flour
  • 50g Water
  • 12g Sugar

Main Dough
  • All of Sweet Stiff Starter
  • 230g Bread Flour
  • 100g Milk
  • 50g Coffee (I used double shot expresso, you can use brewed or instant coffee)
  • 45g Sugar
  • 4g Salt
  • 40g Butter

Coffee Crust
  • 60g Softened Butter
  • 60g Sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 70g All-Purpose Flour
  • 1 Tbsp Instant Coffee mixed with 2 Tbsp Hot Water

Filling (optional)
  • Chocolate Ganache Or Nutella (Freeze for 60 min)

This recipe was prepared and brought to you by the talented chef @shebakesourdough
A bakery near me

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